
I've been asked what my resolution for this New Year is, and my answer is always the same... "I don't really set them." Personally for me, I'm not into labels and attachments, so I don't feel the need to set a certain goal at this time of the year. Especially when there are aspects of my life that I'm already currently trying to conquer.

Last year I made a long list of places I wanted to go in 2017, I remember sitting down to write it and every time I thought I was finished, I came back to it adding more places. It was a lofty goal and no... I didn't make it to most of those places. lol

This year, I'm not making any lists. I'm keeping things simple, and there's only one thing I want for myself in 2018 and that is to make the very best use of my time. There were serveral times this past year where I found myself stuck. Stuck in patterns of being unproductive, stuck being lazy & tired and stuck in front of screens. 

Without any list this year, I hope to be keeping up with less and doing more. More adventures, more growth, reading more books, long talks, more focus the kinds of friendships that take years to build and more time spent doing the things that make the moments in our life truly memorable. THE RAW STUFF. THE RAD STUFF. 

I am extremely inspired by those who are motivated by the New Years to start something new for themselves. The fact that you are able to recognize there's a certain aspect of your life that is no longer serving you, and you know that you want to release and change that - that's really the true intentions behind New Years Resolutions. So I'm wishing those who set intentions for New Years (and the people who didn't) the best 2018 the universe has to offer you. 



Comment below and let me know your goals for 2018. I would love to hear what's on your list. Please SUBSCRIBE if you haven't already.