Happy New Years everyone. Earlier last week I started to look back on what I had done this year and throughout the month I would share some highlights. Of course there were several adventures, people, places and views that stood out to me. So, when I had a look at my "best nine" to help me narrow things down I was surprised at how different those moments were compared to my life 3 years ago after I decided that CHANGE was much needed in my life. 

My "best nine" of 2017

My "best nine" of 2017


Instagram (by far my favorite social media platform) has become this weird little place that records all of the moments of our lives and if we take a look, I bet they're mostly all of the good ones. It can be difficult to share our pain and struggles. But I also believe that within all of these little squares that captures our moments lived, we should be authentic. Our pains and struggles are what help us create ourselves to where we want to be. I can almost tell you every missing picture blocks in each of these "best nine" moments that is not posted on my timeline - the "not so best nine moments."

Losing my grandmother last February was a tough time for me. I dealt with the many emotions we all do when losing a love one and still do. I also dealt with an health anxiety for a couple of years, that was an extreme up & down rollercoaster ride. From many doctor visits, exams, CT scan and a buffet of prescription pills - I was finally able to put away that chapter in my life that had crippled me, but it was also a blessing in disguise. It made me decide on what I wanted in life. I started to exercise daily (went from 240lbs to currently 202lbs), I started to change my diet, I stopped GOOGLING my symptoms lol, I change my mindset, and ultimately I changed my overall approach to life. 

My "best nine" of 2016

My "best nine" of 2016


This bring me to the topic of change and progression. Maybe change is what we need to live an authentic timeline. When things go wrong in life, most of us try to escape it, denying the truth life presents us. When a problem occurs, most of the time the problem occurs because something is not right - you got sick because you haven't been eating right; you have a huge debt because you didn't live within your means; you got backstabbed because you are too trusting; your partner wanted to break up with you because you are too controlling - the list goes on and on. Instead of looking external circumstances and blame them for unfortunate life events, look at yourself first and see if there's anything you can improve? Whether it be changing your habits, attitude, or outlook, you need to change in order to improve your life situation. If you're going to make a change... operate from a new belief that says life happens not to me but for me. 

So between and those images not shown on our "best nine" is a thing called LIFE. Those are the things that helps us grow. I truly believe that my travels and choosing to live my life outside of my self diagnosis has been my most successful swing to life's curveballs. I'm a believer that we all continue to change throughout the many stages of life. Some long term, some temporary.  I believe that we never stop learning. I have so many flaws and things I want to improve on... The launch of Mohawk Explores is my next step in change and a platform so I can be an inspiration for others. And in return I want you guys to inspire me to be a good human. So, hopefully you guys stick around to see what happens next, and I sincerely thank you. LET'S GROW TOGETHER. 


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