I write to you as I continue to struggle with this thing called LIFE. If I could go back in time and give you any advice, it would be to put stuff out into the world more frequently and to be less afraid of how things turns out. Don't be afraid of pushing boundaries a little further and trust that the limit of what is possible is so much further away than it feels. DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF. YOU HAVE MORE TALENT THAN YOU KNOW.

Don't be afraid to own the feelings that you have inside you and do not downplay who you are to please the world. Please don't run away when someone tries to open up. Embrace it. Embrace them. Embrace the move towards vulnerability. Yes, it can be messy and uncomfortable at first, but that's only cause we aren't used to it. If you push people away in moments when they are most vulnerable, not only do you not give yourself a chance to connect deeper, but you are silently show them that the world is not a place that embraces them. GIVE THEM A CHANCE. YOU WILL INSPIRE MANY MANY PEOPLE... MORE THAN YOU'LL  EVER KNOW! 

In 1st grade, you will be told you by a couple of kids very mean things that will impact you for a very long time. You will be hurt, but I assure you that you will overcome it - and be cool as fuck. You will find out that self love is a universal struggle. Don’t let what other people think define you. You will be taught not to care about what other people thinks. But the thing is, YOU WILL CARE. It’s human. And being human is generally a good thing. And by all means embrace the positive and let go of the negative. All I’m saying, is don’t beat yourself up for caring. It’s doesn’t make you weak. It makes you a person. And it’s a beautiful thing. Most of all, LOVE WHO YOU ARE, NOT WHO YOU THINK YOU OUGHT TO BE. 

Don't feel that you have to experience the world in the way that you've been told you have to. How you live is your choice. If there is anything I've learned as I get older, is that so many of the stories we're told are bullshit. The beliefs that tell us we MUST grow up, buy into security, society, careers, marriage and the modern way of living. But these are not rules written in stone, but rather suggestions. PLEASE... NEVER GROW UP. IT'S OVERRATED!!!  

Remember you are free to experience the world in whatever way reminds you how important it is to take moments and look at how your spending your time, who you're surrounding yourself with, and where you are headed. The truth is that there is no rules in all of this. There is a bunch of systems that are designed to keep the world we've created together, but nothing is set in stone. Because without that, you will be a product of the society you live in - and you don't that. Be sure to make traveling a priority. Be adventurous. Explore even if its in your own backyard. I PROMISE YOU WILL EXPERIENCE  SOME RAD THINGS & WILL HAVE PICTURES TO PROVE IT. 

Not getting into UCLA is going to be the best thing that happened to you, I PROMISE. You will meet some of the most amazing people in your life because of this. Make family a priority, and cherish all the time with them. Listen to Mom and Dad, they know what they are talking about. You will be blessed by your grams and an aunt will love you just like a son. 

Stop trying to win at everyone else's game and start trying to win at your own. Just know that in a world that's seemingly only getting faster and faster, it is totally fine to slow it down and sometimes just take it all in. Your desire to push boundaries isn’t something to be afraid of. It’s what the world needs. You will think that adults have it all figured out. That they are all walking around with plans, visions, and knew hot to get where they want to go. That is furthest from the truth. Most of us are just trying to make the best decisions we can in the moment we need to make them. WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. 

And most of all, please don't ever let anyone ever tell you that you aren't rad as fuck! 
