
I tried the 40+ hour work week stuck in one spot, and thought that being successful with a good job would make me happy. But ultimately it didn't at all. One day I decided that this all just didn’t make sense. That was the day I started saving up to travel for long periods at a time. I have since owned my own businesses, invested my money in other ventures and found part time jobs. I decided to take what I like to call an "adult gap life" (yes, I made that up - my version of a gap year but for the whole duration of adult life). And for the first time in my life I felt absolutely excited about everyday, about every encounter, about every experience. 

During a hike in Yosemite, I realize that the outdoors brought me so much peace, no matter what it is that I was dealing with, nature always had its way to keep me going. It made me step out of my comfort zone. I no longer wanted to be a product of a system, but instead I just wanted to live. I began to discover my passions. I also created a circle for myself that included only positive vibes and surround myself with incredible and inspiring humans. Your job shouldn't exist merely to provide income for the rest of your life. Ask yourself, what I'm I working for? Am I working to make a living or to make a life? I realized there was so much more.  The following are a few things I found out when I decided "I didn't want my safe job anymore."

MY 9-5 job was just for "stuff" (THE 9-5 ROBOT)

People are complaining that its not "stuff" they're working a 9-5 for, but actually bills, let me remind you that those bills are in fact the "stuff." That 6 year loan you're paying for the 2017 car you don't need, that makes you look cool. That iPhone X that is barely different from the Phone 7 that you've been paying the last couple years. The credit card bill that you're pay the minimum on every month for all the "stuff" you didn't really need. Not to mention the entertainment you pay hundreds of dollars every week for, so you can Snapchat how much fun you're really NOT having. All STUFF! You are now stuck in a capitalistic hamster wheel. What are your financial priorities? You don't know? Just look back on your credit card statements for the last year. Whether you like it our not, where you've been spending a lot of money is where your priorities are.

My biggest issue was Jordans & sneakers, over the span of 4 years, I ended up with upwards of 300 pairs ($200-$250 each) - 90% of them never made it on my feet. I came to realized that these were just material things, they were temporary and they would eventually fall apart. Experiences adds more value to life than any pair of sneakers will ever have. The new gadgets, car   and sneakers fades and soon we will return back to our unfulfilled state. It was always a temporary drug. Then I asked myself: Would you rather have the newest pair of Yeezys or see the Northern Lights in Norway? Easy answer. If you'd like to value experiences more than "stuff," you we need to make some changes, but I promise you - it will be worth it. 

I wanted to travel now and not when i'm in my 70s. remember, YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE!

Most people grow up in this order: You are born, you graduate high school, you go to college for a degree, then straight into the "real world" with that degree in hopes to pay off those student loans. It sure doesn't give us much time to pursue those passions or dreams of travel. Oh yeah, then most of you will commit to that "adult" life that involves kids and now you're saving up for their college tuition. Sure you can still travel with the family, but I assure you it won't be as easy nor will it be the same experiences. The once backpacking trip through Europe will now be replaced by an overpriced weekend trip to Legoland.

Traveling was one thing that I wish I had done more frequently after high school. I believe everyone should take a "gap year." You ought to spend those early years traveling, exploring and seeing the world while they're young. Traveling the world at an early age has many advantages, it will change your life and perspective on the world in enormous ways. I've have learned so much over the last few years that no schooling could have taught me. It's a huge investment into the rest of your life. You will have more energy, your knees & body will hold up, you'll gain more life experiences,  and have no regrets when you are older. How many 70 year olds would want to climb to the top of the GREAT WALL OF CHINA? So I would suggest to take a "gap year" between jobs. Make that necessary change in lifestyle to make it happen.


Back to happiness (which will be an ongoing topic in my blogs). Most people don't even know what they're passionate about: most don't even have a passion. And some people's passions may be twisted or reckless. With that being said, it's not a bad thing for some people to live their lives in a structured way. Finding a passion which brings ones happiness and fulfillment is not that simple for many people. You must have something you're passionate about before you can begin to live a full happy life. Some are fortunate enough in knowing what they are passionate about - find your passion(s) and then live for it/them. 

How did my "adult gap life" changed me? It has taught me to live in the moment and to value experiences over things. It boosted my self confidence . I also became more tolerant to things that I can not change. It stirred up my curiosity and ignited my passions for learning. It helped me put  things into perspective and step out of my comfort zone. It reminded me to take care of my health and body. It showed me that its never too late to rediscover myself. I am not trying to tell anyone to drop out of school, quit their job, leave their families or forgo their mortgages... I have a house payment, I have bills, I have credit card debt, but I do find a way to make LIFE happen. I'm simply saying that LIFE IS SIMPLE, IT'S THE SYSTEMS WE BUY INTO THAT AREN'T.


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