

Hi I’m Ant

What inspires me on this new journey in life is knowing that the exploring never ends. There are countless adventures out there just waiting to be embraced. There are so many places to see and so many people to meet. I am inspired by all that I have seen and all that I haven’t seen on this beautiful earth. Every day is an amazing day and as we go through life, it is important to know that and help others realize it too. Every experience we hold within ourselves is an expansion of our bodies, minds and souls. Adventures makes us more human. Welcome to my journey.




Explore - SF, CA

The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps project has been a neighborhood collaboration  to create a sea to stars themed mosaic flowing  up   a 163 step stairway located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood. 

 Neighborhood residents Jessie Audette and Alice Yee Xavier started the project in  2003 in a grassroots effort to connect the neighbors in a community project to beautify Golden Gate Heights.      
The neighbors chose artists Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher to collaborate in the creation of a design on 163 mosaic panels.    Neighbors sponsored handmade named tiles in the shapes of the animals, fish, shells  within the mosaic.
Tile sponsorship provided the funding for the majority of the project.  Three mosaic workshops were held in the community so that all could participate in the making of the mosaic panels.  


Arches National Park -Moab, UT

People come from all over the world to visit Arches National Park, and visiting Delicate Arch is on the top of many visitors' to-do lists. In a park with over 2,000 stone arches, this particular free-standing arch has become a widely recognized symbol of the state of Utah and one of the most famous geologic features in the world.

The light opening beneath the arch is 46 feet high and 32 feet wide, making it the largest free-standing arch in the park. It has had more than a few names in its history, from the colorful ("Cowboy's Chaps", "Old Maid's Bloomers") to the prosaic ("Salt Wash Arch"). The term "Delicate" first appeared in a January 1934 article about the Arches National Monument Scientific Expedition, which described it as "the most delicately chiseled arch in the entire area."

Bryce Canyon National Park - UT

There is no place like Bryce Canyon. Hoodoos (odd-shaped pillars of rock left standing from the forces of erosion) can be found on every continent, but here is the largest collection of hoodoos in the world! Descriptions fail. Photographs do not do it justice. Bring your sense of wonder and imagination when visiting Bryce Canyon National Park

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